What we do

Based in the heart of Europe, BLOOM! offers international online and offline sales and communication training & leadership coaching trajects

Individuals & teams

Sales force effectiveness

There is no second chance in selling.

Buyers have too many options and not enough time.

When your salespeople show up throughout the sales cycle, they must be exceptional — cutting through the noise and distilling what matters most. That’s where we come in.

We train your sales team to outperform the competition when the buyer has heard it all and is looking for substance

Behavioral styles assessment

Learn to understand how behaviour styles  can help understand how your own and others’ behaviours influence communication and decision making.
What if you knew everybody’s needs and you understood:

  • their priorities
  • their stressors
  • their buying styles

Or their motivation?

Wouldn’t it make communication so much easier?

Uncover meaning in preferences and behaviour. Learn to adapt and connect with others to create strong and effective relationships through Insights Discovery© and DISC© colour types.

Improve your negotiation skills and tender discussions

Poor sales negotiating may be costing you net profit.

Economic uncertainty has taught customers to push hard on price and terms, and even relatively receptive buyers use aggressive negotiation techniques.

This training is designed specifically for salespeople. It equips them to negotiate around the Buying Cycle, uncovering insights at each stage to power their negotiation strategy and drive measured impact.

Leadership & Management

Employee performance & evaluation

Develop the skills to have effective coaching conversations and evaluations with team members, feel confident in your leadership style and learn how to get the best out of your team.

Starting as a leader

This training equips new starters in a leadership role with the knowledge and tools to become a better leader.

In this traject we learn new leaders to give feedback in a constructive way, how to deal with friction and resilience in your team, the types of leadership…

Becoming a coaching leader

Use coaching to create vibrant and engaged teams.

Learn why coaching is your most effective management tool and learn practical advice on why you should add “coach” to your corporate title and how to use coaching skills to create vibrant and engaged teams.

Presentation skills

Increase the awareness of your verbal and non-verbal self presentation.

Boost your skills including body language and presenting with self-confidence to develop a powerful presence.

Learn how to communicate effectively online by influencing and motivating in a virtual setting.